Hispter Glasses Especial Filter FL-41
New Hispter style clear frame filters
Filter FL41:
• Migraine headaches
• Blepharospasm
• Light-triggered seizures
• CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome)
• Other light-sensitive/triggered conditions.
The FL-41 Rose Filters are designed to help those with light sensitivity due to migraines, traumatic brain injury and other eye conditions. The rose color lenses reduce glare and provide eye relief.
Filter Yellow:
Standards for people suffering from low vision caused by Macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma and cataracts. The vision is more relaxed and improves the definition of the images. It can be used in indoor environments such as at home and in the office also outdoors when it rains, it exists, at dawn or dusk, it is NOT recommended as sunglasses.
- 100% UVA / UVB protection.
- Optical lenses without aberrations.